What Is an Uncontested Divorce Settlement Agreement?

On behalf of The Law Office of Wickersham and Bowers posted in Family Law on Monday June 17th, 2024.

A divorce can be a lengthy, complex, and expensive legal battle, taking a toll on your health, emotions, and finances. Fortunately, divorcing couples can opt for less-straining divorce proceedings. One option is an uncontested divorce settlement. A divorce attorney can help determine if an uncontested divorce is a practical route to consider.

Understanding an Uncontested Divorce Settlement

An uncontested divorce is a legal process where both spouses amicably agree on all aspects of ending their marriage without going to trial. The divorce settlement agreement covers legal issues such as child custody and support, marital property distribution, debt repayment, alimony, and grounds for divorce. While an uncontested divorce doesn’t usually go to trial, a judge must approve your settlement agreement and sign your divorce decree.

Eligibility Requirements for an Uncontested Divorce Settlement

An uncontested divorce settlement agreement is a quick and straightforward way to get divorced. However, not all couples are eligible for an uncontested divorce. The court will not grant an uncontested divorce if one party does not agree to the divorce or complete the filing process. You can only qualify for an uncontested divorce if both parties agree to the divorce and there are fault or no-fault grounds for divorce. The settlement agreement must be fair and in the best interests of their children. The couple must meet the waiting period, filing, and residency requirements to be eligible for an uncontested divorce settlement.

Benefits of an Uncontested Divorce Settlement

The benefits of an uncontested divorce settlement agreement are numerous. It is quick and straightforward, especially if both parties agree. It also helps couples save on costly divorce proceedings and preserve an amicable relationship as they work toward a common goal.

Get Legal Help With an Uncontested Divorce Settlement Agreement

While uncontested divorce settlements do not go to trial, you still need the services of an experienced divorce attorney for legal guidance and to ensure a favorable outcome. Your attorney will draft and review your settlement agreement to safeguard your legal rights and interests. Our attorneys at Wickersham and Bowers can help you get through an uncontested divorce settlement agreement. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation with our lawyers.

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